Barium‐ or quinine‐induced depolarization activates K+, Na+ and cationic conductances in frog proximal tubular cells.

1. Frog proximal tubular cells were fused into giant cells. We measured membrane potential (Vm), its changes (delta Vm), and current-induced voltage changes (delta psi) in single cells, during control and experimental states. Each cell served as its own control. 2. In the presence of a physiological Ringer solution, the transference number for potassium (tK) was 0.50. Barium (3 mM) reduced membrane conductance (Gm) by 50%; low-Cl- solutions and low-Na+ solutions also diminished Gm, by 52 and 30%, respectively. The association of barium and low-NaCl solutions decreased Gm to approximately 38% of control, indicating that the impermeant substitute of a physiological ion may interact with other pathways; alternatively, blockade of steady-state conductances may activate physiologically silent processes. 3. In an attempt to enhance the contribution of the partial K+ conductance (GK) to Gm, fused cells were exposed to low-Cl- solutions, containing in addition 0.1 mM-methazolamide, to inhibit the rheogenic Na(+)-HCO3-symport, and 1 microM-amiloride, to block Na+ conductance (GNa). tK went up to 0.83. 4. The high tK preparation was challenged with barium (3 mM) or quinine (Quin, 1 mM). These blockers produced large depolarizations (approximately 60 mV), however, although Gm decreased along early- and mid-depolarization, Gm plateaued and eventually it increased with larger and larger depolarization. 5. Depolarization-associated increase in Gm reflects activation of other conductances. These are Na+, cationic, and K+ conductance(s) poorly sensitive to quinine or barium. In the presence of Ba(2+)- or Quin-induced depolarization, injection of depolarizing current produces delayed increase in conductance. 6. Depolarization-induced activation of cationic conductance (Gcat) and GNa results in enlargement of the K+ electrochemical potential difference, to about 70 mV; this difference allows recycling of K+ ions outwards, since a GK is still detected and may contribute up to 38% of the total conductance.
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