Влияние межостистого имплантата на сегментарную подвижность и болевой синдром после микродискэктомии с кюретажем ложа диска

Objective. To assess the efficacy of dynamic stabilization with interspinous spacer after decompression of neural structures and curettage of the disc space in surgical treatment of patients with degenerative disc disease. Material and Methods . A total of 100 patients operated on for degenerative lumbar disc disease were enrolled in the study. Patients were divided into two groups. All patients underwent microsurgical discectomy with curettage of the disc space and decompression of neural structures. Interspinous spacer was implanted additionally in patients from the study group. CT, MRI, and functional X-ray studies were performed before and after surgery. The quality of treatment was assessed using VAS and Oswestry questionnaire. Results . There were no statistically significant differences in the rate of surgical complications between groups. Patients operated on with interspinous spacer had better outcomes, lower VAS and Oswestry scores, and decreased segmental range of motion during the first year after surgery. Conclusion . The use of interspinous spacer provides relief of back pain, decrease in segmental instability, and improved quality of life of patients. Interspinous spacer does not affect the adjacent segment degeneration.
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