Применение иммобилизованного фторида олова в комплексном лечении хронического генерализованного пародонтита легкой и средней степени тяжести

In order to determine the clinical efficacy of immobilized tin fluoride in the treatment of chronic generalized periodontitis mild to moderate severity were examined and treated 198 patients. Depending on the method of treatment, all patients were divided into four groups. In the first treatment group was performed using juice kalanchoe, second – 0.63 % stannous fluoride solution in the third – polysorbate 3 % slurry in the fourth – the immobilized stannous fluoride. The examination of patients with inflammatory periodontal disease at baseline, one, six, 12 months conducted conventional clinical research methods, evaluation index and periodontal hygiene, X-ray method. Found that the use of this drug has a significant impact on improving the hygienic condition of the mouth, leads to the elimination of the inflammatory process, significantly reduces the treatment time and prolongs remission.
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