Гематологические показатели свиней при применении в их рационе пробиотиков

The research was conducted in the German National District of the Altai Region with young pigs of large white breed. The effect of feeding the probiotic product Biovestin-Lakto on blood morphological and biochemical indices of young pigs compared to those of a standard diet was studied. In the period from birth to 6 months the control group pigs were fed a basic diet, while the basic diet of the Trial Group 1 was supplemented by 4 mg of the probiotic product, that of the Trial Group 2 -by 6 mg, and the Trial Group 3 — by 8 mg. Red blood cells (RBC) count of the trial groups pigs throughout the trial was higher by 3.3-12.9% than in the control group pigs. The maximum RBC count and hemoglobin content was revealed in Trial Group 2 pigs with the superiority over the indices of the control group by 8.6-12.9% and by 4.4-9.0% (р
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