Perception of First Year Students of Medicine and Dentistry about Problem Based Learning Session Conducted at Universal College of Medicine, Nepal

Introduction: Problem-based learning (PBL) is widely accepted as a student centered instructional strategy. Universal College of Medical Sciences Nepal partly introduced PBL in June 2019. This study explored the perceptions of undergraduate students of first year MBBS and BDS who participated in first PBL session.    Methods: This was a cross-sectional questionnaire-based study on perceptions of the participants. The validated questionnaire was used for collection of data at the end of first PBL session. The questionnaire comprised of four parts; Overall satisfaction of the students with PBL; Satisfaction with self-motivated learning and small group activity; Satisfaction with tutor and composition of PBL package and students’ perceptions about process for performing problem-solving in PBL. Data were analyzed using SPSS version 21. The frequency, mean and standard deviation were computed and t test was used for the comparison of responses on statements of MBBS and BDS groups of students. Results:  The mean scores on all statements for overall satisfaction of students with PBL are higher than four at Likert scale 1-5 (5=strongly agree, 4=agree, 3=to some extent agree, 2=disagree, 1=strongly disagree). The mean scores on all statements are higher than four with regard to improvement in satisfaction with self-motivated learning and small group activity. The mean scores on all statements regarding satisfaction with tutor and composition of PBL package are higher than four. The mean scores on all statements on perceptions about process for performing problem-solving in PBL are higher than 3.6. The mean scores of both MBBS and BDS groups of students on all statements were compared; the significant differences were obtained only on 2 statements out of 30. Conclusion: This study reflected positive perceptions of participant students almost on all the statements.
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