Социально-психологические факторы, влияющие на степень уязвимости пользователей автоматизированных информационных систем с точки зрения социоинженерных атак

Current paper is devoted to the review of the results of researches on psychology, concerned characteristics of person-user vulnerability, and forming demands, based on this researches, to informative model of the user, which can be integrated to the informative system for analyzing the protection of this system from socioengineering attacks. Intended and unintended actions of the user was examined, and on this base requirements to the informative model of the user has been made, which includes critical user properties, which influences more than others on the rate of success of socioengineering attack, made on this user. information gained from modeling will help to prognoses (imitate) reaction of the user like an answer to the attack action.
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