Seleksi Tetua Kelapa Dalam Komposit Spesifik Lahan Kering Iklim Kering

Selection of Coconut Genotypes for Composite Vvarieties Specific to the Dry Land Coconut superior composite has several advantages compared to coconut in general, because in addition to high productivity, also has a high genetic variability inherited from his elders with different genetic composition. Coconut composite varieties assembly directed to specific locations for dry land. In this study will be assembled coconut productivity in the composite with over 3 tons of copra/ha/year specific dry climate that are resistant to major pests and diseases of coconut. Improving of composite varieties specific to the dry land. First activity is selection of coconut accession with productivity levels above 3 tons copra/ha/year at two provinces namely Central Sulawesi and East Nusa Tenggara. Observation was done at each location based on Stantech COGENT for production chararter, major pest and diseases tolerance and leaf biochemistry. Four genotypes of coconut were successfully selected in a specific dry land with productivity of 3.4 tons of copra/ha/year to 4.4 tons of copra/ha/year. After selection of mother palms, productivity were increased to 3.7 tons of copra/ha/year up to 4.8 tons of copra/ha/year with the percentage increase for production about 4.4% to 12.91%. There was no palms were infected by bud rot and nut fall diseases for four genotypes. There was low level infected palms by pests namely  about 0.08 – 0.10.
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