Application of a Self-Organizing Map of Isotopic and Chemical Data for the Identification of Groundwater Recharge Sources in Nasunogahara Alluvial Fan, Japan

Paddy rice fields on an alluvial fan not only use groundwater for irrigation but also play an important role as groundwater recharge sources. In this study, we investigated the spatial distribution of isotopic and hydrochemical compositions of groundwater in the Nasunogahara alluvial fan in Japan and applied a self-organizing map (SOM) to characterize the groundwater. The SOM assisted with the hydrochemical and isotopic interpretation of the groundwater in the fan, and clearly classified the groundwater into four groups reflecting the different origins. Two groundwater groups with lower isotopic ratios of water than the mean precipitation values in the fan were influenced by the infiltration of river water flowing from higher areas in the catchments and were differentiated from each other by their Na+ and Cl− concentrations. A groundwater group with higher isotopic ratios was influenced by the infiltration of paddy irrigation water that had experienced evaporative isotopic enrichment. Groundwater in the fourth group, which was distributed in the upstream area of the fan where dairy farms dominated, showed little influence of recharge waters from paddy rice fields. The findings of this study will contribute to proper management of the groundwater resources in the fan.
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