Anomalous resistivity of a high-Z plasma with a hydrogen admixture

Among microinstabilities that may affect the resistance of a 2~4 plasma in fast 2 pinches, me the ion acoustic and the lowr hybrid imtzibilities. We discuss effects of hydrogen ions on these instabilities and find that, by properly adjusting the hydr’ogen concentration, one can considerably . increase the threshold current density for the onset of the instability. In addition to. a strong Landau . . irr . . . damping on hydrogew icms~ ; there is a collisiond stabilizing mechanism related to a collisional fkiction between the two ion species. Another interesting aspect {of BT #y ..stability analysis is ! related to the fact that thi~~~ *f, adding the j: . hydrogen tu high-~.?--~~~&~~ da;::.. saturate the . / assembled array ” b$ hyt. LLNL ‘under US DOE Contract No. W-7405-E1@-48. ‘*’ .’ .’ I”
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