Rotor with a semi-modular structure.

Module semi-modular rotor (60) for an air preheater (10) having a circular (40) rotor; the said module semi-modular rotor (60) comprises a lug assembly (62); a hull (66) of the rotor; a single main diaphragm (64) radially extends from an inner end portion (81) having an inner end portion (83); and further comprising at least one intermediate diaphragm (78); each intermediate diaphragm (78) extends radially from an inner end portion to an outer end portion; module, it is characterized in that: * The said lug assembly (62) comprises a front portion (80) and a back part (86) in the radial direction is spaced from said front portion (80) out ; the said front (80) and said rear portion (86) extend - each and in the longitudinal direction - from a first end to a second end; and said set DEBLOQUE projection (62) further comprises a projection member cold end (82), arranged on first ends of said front (80) of the lug and said dorsal portion (86) thereof, and a projection member hot end (84) disposed at the second ends of said front (80) of the lug and said dorsal portion (86) thereof; and the said projection member cold end (82) and said projection member hot end (84) defining a first and a second side of said lug assembly (62), which are spaced apart in the circumferential direction; * The said hull (66) of the rotor is radially spaced from the said lug back lug (86) in the outward direction; * Said inner end portion (81) of said single diaphragm main (64) is arranged in said front portion (80) of the lug and the first side of said lug assembly (62), while the said part outer end (83) of said single main diaphragm (64) is disposed in said hull (66) of the rotor; and * The aforementioned end portion of at least one of said intermediate diaphragm (78) is disposed in said rear portion (86) of the projecting block in an intermediate position between the first side and the second side of said lug assembly (62), whereas said outer end portion of at least one of said intermediate diaphragm (78) is disposed in said hull (66) of the rotor.
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