Ultrasonic Signal Processing Algorithm for Crack Information Extraction on the Keyway of Turbine Rotor Disk

Abstract An ultrasonic signal processing algorithm was developed for extracting the information of cracks generated around the keyway of a turbine rotor disk. B-scan images were obtained by using keyway specimens and an ultrasonic scan system with x-y position controller. The B-scan images were used as input images for 2-Dimensional signal processing, and the algorithm was constructed with four processing stages of pre-processing, crack candidate region detection, crack region classification and crack information extraction. It is confirmed by experiments that the developed algorithm is effective for the quantitative evaluation of cracks generated around the keyway of turbine rotor disk. Keywords: Turbine Rotor Disk, Ultrasonic Test, Ultrasonic Signal Processing, Crack Detection, Crack Information Extraction, Automatic System [논 문] - 비파괴검사학회지 Journal of the Korean Societyfor Nondestructive TestingVol. 29, No. 5 (2009. 10) [접수일: 2009. 7. 24, 수정일: 2009. 10. 1, 게재확정일: 2009. 10. 10] *부경대학교 물리학과, **부경대학교 신소재공학부, ***한국기계연구원 부설 재료연구소, ✝Corresponding Author: Pukyong National University, San 100, Yongdang-Dong, Nam-Gu, Busan, 608-739, Korea, (E-mail: seowc@pk nu.ac.kr)
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