The Late Neoproterozoic-Early Paleozoic basin of the western Argentine Precordillera: Insights from zircon U-Pb geochronology

Abstract In central-western Argentina, a belt including marine metasedimentary rocks and mafic-ultramafic bodies occurs throughout the western margin of the Precordillera. The belt is considered as the suture zone between the poorly known Chilenia terrane and the Cuyania terrane, part of the composite West Gondwana margin. It is assigned to the Late Neoproterozoic-Early Devonian based on fossil fauna and radiometric ages. In the southern sector of this belt, in the Penasco area, two units crop out. The Penasco Formation comprises metasandstone and metapelite spatially associated with mafic metavolcanic and metahyaloclastic rocks. Metagabbro bodies intrude the succession. The Garganta del Leon Formation consists of metasandstone and scarce metapelite where tractive and deformational sedimentary structures are preserved. Both units are affected by low-grade metamorphism, but the main foliation S1 and crenulation cleavage S2 are better developed in the Penasco Formation rocks. U-Pb data on detrital zircon of two metasandstone samples from these units show a dominant detrital input from sources with 1.0–1.3 and 0.65–0.53 Ga ages. Detritus may come from reworked sedimentary units or from igneous/metamorphic complexes from the Cuyania terrane basement that was possibly exhumed in the Ocloyic orogen. A Gondwanan provenance for the Late Neoproterozoic-Cambrian population would also be plausible. A ca. 460 Ma zircon population in the Garganta del Leon Formation is interpreted to be derived from the Famatinian Arc. This would imply that the deposition of the sediment occurred after the collision of the Cuyania terrane against West Gondwana, and that the Ocloyic orogen acted as a barrier for detritus from the Famatinian Arc and other rocks further east.
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