Lymphome de Burkitt testiculaire primitif en zone non-endémique : à propos d'un cas Primitive Burkitt lymphoma in testis in non-endemic area: a report of a case

Background: Burkitt's lymphoma is an aggressive form of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. It is a tumor which has greatest capacities of proliferation. Treatment consists of sur- gery and chemotherapy. The prognosis depends on the spinal cord and neuromeningitis extension, requiring the earliest possible diagnosis. Aims: Our aim was to study the anatomo-clinical features and evolution of testicular Burkitt's lymphoma. Material and methods: We report a Burkitt lymphoma in testis occurred in non-endemic area in an elderly patient. Result: We report the case of a 73 years old man who presen- ted with a left testicular swelling lasting for 3 months. Exami- nation showed swelling of the left bursa without induration of the spermatic cord and without peripheral lymphadenopathy. Testicular ultrasound revealed a mass in the left testicle res- pecting the spermatic cord. The staging was negative. Patho- logical examination concluded Burkitt lymphoma in testis. The patient received one cycle of chemotherapy treatment. The evolution was good with a 12-months decline. Conclusion: The diagnosis of testicular Burkitt's lymphoma should be considered despite the rarity in non-endemic areas.
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