Template design and fabrication for low loss orientation-patterned nonlinear AlGaAs waveguides pumped at 1.55 /spl mu/m

All-optical networks with dynamic wavelength channel switching and routing are alternatives to existing networks that may help meet the need for ever-increasing bandwidth. In this context, nonlinear optical (NLO) waveguide devices are promising candidates for all-optical wavelength conversion, for example in WDM systems. Channel shifting was recently demonstrated in periodically-poled LiNbO/sub 3/ waveguides. AlGaAs is also an attractive platform for NLO devices, due to its large second-order nonlinearity, polarization independence, and potential for monolithic integration with other optical devices. However, because of its optical isotropy, phasematching can only be achieved through artificial schemes. We have developed an all-epitaxial orientation-patterning technique allowing us to grow QPM AlGaAs waveguides. However, the performance of these devices was limited mainly by the intrinsic corrugation between core and cladding, due to template itself We are investigating a new template structure that will minimize this corrugation, and will drastically reduce losses, thus significantly increasing the conversion efficiency.
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