Simplified laparoscopic duodenal switch

a v c B The biliopancreatic diversion with duodenal switch, with ess and Hess [1], Marceau et al. [2], and Baltazar as its ioneers, has been shown to have excellent and, even, the est results in terms of the magnitude and duration of eight loss [3]. However, it is considered to be the most ifficult and complex procedure when done laparoscopially [4,5]. We have used a simplified laparoscopic gastric ypass procedure (2005 ASBS video) in 2000 cases that as been reproduced in Latin America, Europe, and Asia, ith similar results. Because the biliopancreatic diversion ith duodenal switch seems to be more effective in superbese patients, we have also developed a simplified and posibly reproducible approach for this operation using a doubleoop biliopancreatic pylorus-preserving reconstruction with a ommon channel of 100 cm and an alimentary limb up to 200 m after sleeve gastrectomy over a 36F Boogie.
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