Normativno-selekcioni kriterijum za procenu bazično motoričkog statusa kandidata za prijem na studije Kriminalističko-policijske akademije u Beogradu

System of selection for the Academy for Criminalistic and Police Studies (KPA) in Belgrade is projected as a four-dimension model. On the hindmost level, candidates for the KPA are under the estimation of level of development of Basic Motorical Ability (BMS). The estimation of BMS was performed by test method, in which two variables were used for defining the morphologic space, and seven variables for defining motoric (physical ability) space. The aim of this research was to define normative selection criterion for the estimation BMS status of male and female candidates applying for KPA, using as the methods for calculating the general level of development of BMS. Research has been carried out on the basis of the data analysis of BMS status for previous seven generations of KPA candidates. The sample included 3563 subjects, among whom there were 2961 males and 602 females. The results of this research point out to indispensability of changing the requirements regarding points as the selection criterion of candidates for the first year of studies at KPA in Belgrade, which should be done in the following way: 1) if the curriculum for Special Physical Education (SFO) is projected for the duration of eight terms, point-based selection criterion for the first year students should be positioned on the level of general methodological standard or 33,33 ‰ percentile distribution. In such a case, the selection criterion from the BMS aspect should be 8,77 points for males, and 8,48 points for females; 2) if the educational concept of the subject SFO retains its current two-semester status within the KPA curriculum, it is advisable to harmonize norms with European and worldwide trends for two-term syllabuses. In this case, we suggest that the selection criteria should be defined for specific police purposes, i.e. on the level of 40,0 ‰ percentile distribution. Thus the limit for accepting candidates with respect to BMS should amount to 9,36 points for males, and 9,08 points for females.
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