Carcinoma mucoepidermoide pulmonar: grado histológico y comportamiento

espanolLos carcinomas mucoepidermoides pulmonares, son tumores raros que se caracterizan por la coexistencia de tres tipos de celulas: epidermoides, mucosecretantes, y celulas intermedias. Presentamos tres casos intervenidos en nuestro servicio, cuyo grado histologico influyo en el pronostico. La exeresis quirurgica es el tratamiento de eleccion y el pronostico es bueno siempre que el tumor sea de bajo grado y no existan metastasis regionales y/o a distancia, que por lo general son raras. EnglishPulmonary mucoepidermoid carcinoma are a rare occurrence. Their main characteristic is the coexistence of epidermoid, mucus-secreting and intermediary cells. The following is a report about three cases treated in our department, in which the histological diagnosis influenced the prognosis. The treatment chosen was surgical exeresis and the prognosis was considered to be good only if the patient had a low-grade tumour and there was no metastasis in local or other remote sites - an occurrence, which is generally rare.
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