Pearl millet downy mildew in Gujarat

A field survey was undertaken to monitor downy mildew (Sclerospora graminicola) incidence on 21 pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum) hybrids in 88 fields in Gujarat in the rainy season of 2001. Downy mildew incidence was recorded in 2 m2 subplots as the ratio of diseased to total plants at the soft-dough to hard-dough growth stage. Some seed lots were treated with metalaxyl. Disease incidence varied with location and was very variable (1-86% in Kheda). Of the 15 hybrid cultivars from private seed companies, seven were free from downy mildew (Amul, MRB 2210, Nandi 3, PAC 931, Proagro 7501, 9330 and Vikram 51) and eight had mean incidences from 9 to 55%. Of the six public-sector hybrids, only GHB 235 was free from disease, the remaining five had mean incidences from 2-68%. The cropping sequence pearl millet - cowpea - maize - pearl millet reduced downy mildew incidence more than other combinations (10% downy mildew incidence).
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