Profile of Obesity and Factors Associated Among Adults Cameroonian Living in Urban Area: A Cross Sectional Study

Background and objectives: The emergence of nutritional transition in developing countries leads to increased prevalence of obesity and related adverse health effects. Cameroon which urbanization rate is among the highest in Sub-Saharan Africa is facing to this situation. This study was aimed at establishing the obesity profile of Cameroonian population living in Douala. Methods: Across-sectional and descriptive survey was performed during July2016 in Douala city. A total of 650 apparently healthy participants aged between 18 years to 60 years were recruited during health campaign organized by the Cameroon Nutritional Science Society on good nutritional practices. The data were collected by using a questionnaire adapted from WHOSTEP wise approach for chronic disease risk factor surveillance. WHO guidelines and NCEP-ATPIII definition were used to define overweight (BMI: 25.0–29.9kg/m2), Overweight/Obesity (BMI ≥ 25.0 kg/m2), generalized obesity (GO, BMI ≥30.0kg/m2), abdominal obesity (AO, waist circumference≥102cm for men and ≥ 88cm for women) and combined obesity (CO, GO plus AO). Results: The prevalence of overweight/obesity, GO, AO and CO was 54.2%, 25.2%, 40.2% and 16.2% respectively. Concerning risk factors: age (38–47 years, female gender, marriage (or in couple) status, secondary level and trade activity were associated to overweight / obesity. Age (28–37 years; 38–47 years and 58 60 years), female gender, marriage (or in couple), primary level, secondary level, and away from home foods consumption, were associated to GO. Age (38–47 years, 48–57 years and 58–60 years), female gender, marriage (or in couple) status, primary level, secondary level, trade activity and cigarette smoking were associated to CO. Risk factors associated to AO were: Age (38–47years), female gender, marriage (or in couple) status, polygamous marriage, secondary level, trade activity two meals/ day consumption, morning and evening meals timing consumption, restaurant and fast-food place of purchase and consumption, daily eating offriedfoods, chocolate consumption, imported distilled beverages consumption and cigarette smoking. Conclusion: All obesity profiles were found among Douala dwellers and AO which is among all an important cardiovascular risk factor was the most frequent. Nutritional education should be emphasized to reduce and prevent complications.
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