Consentimiento informado en el balón intragástrico avalado por SENPE, SEEDO, SEN y SECO: aspectos médico-legales

Introduction: Intra-gastric balloon (IGB) is an invasive, temporary, non-surgical technique for the treatment of obesity. Its outcomes mainly depend on the patient's collaboration. Objective: The aim was to adapt the informed consent used for bariatric surgery to a method that has especial characteristics. Materials and methods: We used the informed consent proposed by ASAC for bariatric surgery and 8 statements related to IGB included in the WESTLAW ES database. Results: The review of the statements defines the IGB treatment as a curative-intended and non-satisfactive therapy with an obligation of the means used, but not the outcomes, by the treating physician. Moreover, the obligations of providing a correct and complete information —which includes the dietary regime— should be observed, as well as the possible therapeutic alternatives and finally, the proceeding used should be in written. Conclusions: The informed consent is a medico-legal document which content should consider the latest jurisprudence on the minimally invasive techniques for the treatment of obesity.
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