Validating Automatically Generated Students’ Conceptual Models from Free‐text Answers at the Level of Concepts

Students’ conceptual models can be defined as networks of interconnected concepts, in which a confidence‐value (CV) is estimated per each concept. This CV indicates how confident the system is that each student knows the concept according to how the student has used it in the free‐text answers provided to an automatic free‐text scoring system. In a previous work, a preliminary validation was done based on the global comparison between the score achieved by each student in the final exam and the score associated to his or her model (calculated as the average of the CVs of the concepts). 50% Pearson correlation statistically significant (p = 0.01) was reached. In order to complete those results, in this paper, the level of granularity has been lowered down to each particular concept. In fact, the correspondence between the human estimation of how well each concept of the conceptual model is known versus the computer estimation is calculated. 0.08 mean quadratic error between both values has been attained, w...
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