[D-Ala1, Leu9-psi-CH2NH-Leu10]neuromedin C antagonizes neuromedin C-stimulated amylase release by acini isolated from the rat pancreas.

Two novel neuromedin C analogs [D-Ala1, Leu9-psi-CH2NH-Leu10]neuromedin C and [Leu9-psi-CH2NH-Leu10]neuromedin C, were synthesized by rapid solid phase methods and examined for their abilities to inhibit neuromedin C-stimulated amylase release by isolated rat pancreatic acini. Both analogs significantly inhibited maximally stimulated amylase release by neuromedin C in a dose-dependent manner with maximal inhibition seen at concentrations of 100 and 300 microM of [D-Ala1, Leu9-psi-CH2NH-Leu10]neuromedin C and [Leu9-psi-CH2NH-Leu10]neuromedin C, respectively. The IC50 (concentration required to half-maximally inhibit neuromedin C-stimulated amylase release) was 1.5 microM for [D-Ala1, Leu9-psi-CH2NH-Leu10]neuromedin C compared to a 13.4 microM IC50 for [Leu9-psi-CH2NH-Leu10]neuromedin C. The [D-Ala1, Leu9-psi-CH2NH-Leu10]neuromedin C analog produced a parallel rightward shift in the neuromedin C dose-response curve and Schild plots of the inhibition data gave a slope of 0.969 +/- 0.121 and a pA2 (apparent affinity for the acinar cell receptor in terms of neuromedin C receptor-stimulated amylase release) of 100 nM. While [D-Ala1, Leu9-psi-CH2NH-Leu10]neuromedin C significantly inhibited both neuromedin B- and gastrin releasing peptide-stimulated amylase release, the analog did not inhibit amylase release in response to either cholecystokinin octapeptide, vasoactive intestinal peptide, substance P, carbamylcholine, the Ca2+ ionophore A23187, forskolin, or 8-bromo-cyclic AMP. The results demonstrate that [D-Ala1, Leu9-psi-CH2NH-Leu10]neuromedin C is a potent, specific, and competitive antagonist for neuromedin C and peptides of the gastrin releasing peptide family and may serve as a useful molecule for exploring the physiological role of these peptides.
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