A new species of Zygophiala associated with the flyspeck complex on apple from China

Zygophiala qianensis is described as a new fungal species associated with the cuticle of apple fruit sampled from an orchard in Shaanxi Province, China. Conidiophores were separate, arising from superficial hyphae, erect, scattered, subcylindrical, irregularly flexuous, consisting of four parts: a hyaline supporting cell that gives rise to a smooth, dark brown stipe, terminating in a finely verruculose, medium brown apical cell that gives rise to (1–)2(–3) medium brown, finely verruculose, doliiform to ellipsoidal, polyblastic conidiogenous cells, with 1–2 prominent scars, apical and lateral, darkened, thickened. Conidia were solitary, fusiform to obclavate, hyaline, smooth and thick-walled, transversely (0–)1(–7)-septate, mostly 1–2-septate, prominently constricted at the septum; apex obtuse, base subtruncate, with a darkened, thickened hilum. Zygophiala qianensis is compared morphologically to other species of Zygophiala, and a phylogenetic analysis of their DNA sequence data is presented.
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