Nonenzymatic electrochemical sensor based on metal oxide, MO (M= Cu, Ni, Zn, and Fe) nanomaterials for neurotransmitters: An abridged review

Abstract In recent times, substantial research progress has been done towards the detection of neurotransmitters that foresee the status of a disease. In this trail of the avenue, a new ray has been found in the form of electrochemical sensors to quantify the level of neurochemical messengers as their level is one of the biomarkers of the upcoming disorder. In the process of detection of neurotransmitters using conventional methods to electroanalytical techniques, a mammoth leap was observed which directs the sensing process towards electrochemical sensors. Particularly, nonenzymatic sensors are the pinnacle of all existing methods of electroanalysis. An impetus for the development of a submissive enzyme-free electrochemical sensor has been prepared majorly from functionalized materials like metal oxide nanoparticles, conducting polymers, and carbon materials for surface functionalization of the electrode. The aim of this review article is addressing the existing issues in the selective determination of neurotransmitters, challenges in the field of nonenzymatic sensors followed by a concise study of versatile methods of electroanalysis. In the conglomeration of different metal oxide nanoparticles and their respective nanocomposites along with other confidants, it is understood that oxides of iron, copper, nickel, and zinc have been significantly contributed for the fabrication of electrochemical sensors. Finally, it’s a journey into a land of functionalized materials using a torch of different methods of electroanalysis for accurate detection of neurotransmitters where present status and prospects were proclaimed.
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