Гигиеническое моделирование в пре-дэксплуатационной экспертизе зданий и оборудования общеобразовательных организаций

For the purpose of the development of novel approaches during the commission stage, the hygienic assessment of conditions of training in specially constructed innovative building of SKOLKOVO International Gymnasium was performed. Hygienic examination of innovative architectural and planning solutions, learning conditions and hygienic modeling of the optimal placement of furniture and equipment in multi-faceted educational facilities with panoramic glazing made it possible to predict the provision of the gymnasium with an optimal level of sanitary and epidemiological well-being of students. This is achieved by the innovative layout of the gymnasium building and its territory. Hygienic specification of zoning of both buildings and premises of the educational institution, include the requirements to satisfy the hygienic criteria on children education, motor activity, organization of proper nutrition, and using the building as a center for family leisure. Hygienic modeling of educational furniture and equipment provides optimal conditions (viewing angle) for visual work of students in all multifaceted classes. The obtained data are the basis for amendments to the state sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations in the field of organization of education and upbringing of children.
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