Экспрессия гена глутатионсинтетазы GS3 в корнях и листьях проростков пшеницы при действии кадмия

The influence of cadmium sulphate (100 µM) on GS3 gene expression encoding glutathionesynthetase – one of the main enzymes of glutathione synthesis, in wheat seedlings roots and leaves was investigated. It was showed that after 1 hour of cadmium effect on wheat seedlings its accumulation was observe with increase level of GS3 transcripts. In leaves the mRNA content rapidly increased (after 30 min) after beginning of experiment but the cadmium accumulation was after 1 day. The higher transcripts level of GS3 in leaves and roots saved for 7 days of experiment. The analysis of MDA content in roots showed that its accumulation in roots didn't observed but in leaves the MDA content increased under long cadmium treatment (3–7 days) on seedlings. It may suggest about activation and effective antioxidant defense system, including glutathionesynthetase in cadmium presence. Also the increased level electrolyte leakage in leaves wasn't observed, in consequence the membrane permeability didn’t damage. Taking all results together we can conclude that cadmium in concentration 100 µM didn't lead to damage on wheat seedlings and accumulation of transcript level of GS3 , encoding glutathionesynthetase is the part of adaptation, what support to survive and save to life-sustaining activity of wheat under cadmium presence in environment.
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