Educação permanente de docentes: análise crítica de experiências não sistematizadas

Whenever great changes in the curriculum of medical courses are proposed, as is the case in the current implementation of an integrated curriculum, the teachers are expected to change their role from mere knowledge providers to a more cooperative and integrating role, facilitating the teaching-learning process. Such changes can cause insecurity, a sense of powerlessness and consequently resistance to these changes. To qualify the teachers for their new functions is thus pivotal for the success of any curricular changes. Besides the systematic educational actions, alternative activities can also contribute to the improvement of the teaching practice. This article analyzes the experience of teachers from the Londrina State University Medical School (UEL), who participated in the group responsible for developing non-systematic education activities with the teaching body of the medical course during the first year of the implementation of the integrated curriculum. The following activities are commented: the weekly meetings with tutors, the action-research on the development and insertion of the teaching body in the integrated curriculum, the topic-based module content reviews, the action-research with the topic-based module coordinators and the survey carried out with the coordinators of internship areas. The analyzed activities provided answers for local needs and contributed to a dynamic and continuously renewed implementation process.
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