PVMaT advances in the photovoltaic industry and the focus of future PV manufacturing R&D

The DOE Photovoltaic Manufacturing Technology (PVMaT) Project has conducted cost-shared manufacturing R&D with the photovoltaic industry for over 10 years. During this time, research has focused on the project's stated objectives of improving photovoltaic manufacturing processes and products, lowering manufacturing costs, and providing a foundation for the scale-up of US photovoltaic (PV) manufacturing. Progress made by each of the US PV industry participants in this project has resulted in a significant reduction in the industry's direct PV module-manufacturing costs and an impressive scale-up in US PV manufacturing capacity. The majority of the efforts have been module related. Results in terms of automation, yield, and throughput have provided a significant reduction in direct manufacturing costs. Cost reductions and capacity increases resulting from these efforts are discussed.
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