Comparative effect of serotonin agonists on presynaptic and somatodendritic autoreceptors of serotoninergic neurons

: Experimenting on the slices of cortex and dorsal raphe nucleus of midbrain of rats which were incubated with 3H-hydroxytrypta-mine (3H-HT) studies showed the influence of series of serotonin agonists on the spontaneous and electrically stimulated release of 3H-HT from the slices. It was established that the serotonin in concentration of 10(-5) mol/l similarly inhibits the release of 3H-HT from the electrically stimulated slices of the brain cortex (78.6%) and on slices of the dorsal raphe nucleus of the midbrain (81.6%) had no effect on the spontaneous release of serotonin. The serotonin agonists in order of increasing ability to inhibit the electrically stimulated release of 3H-HT from the cortex slices is as follows: ipsapirone (0%), 8-OH-DPAT (23%), kampirone (26.5%), 1.2-PP (28.6%), kaplapirone (35.7%), buspirone (48%) and TFMPP (67%). On the ability to influence the release of 3H-HT from the electrically stimulated slices of the dorsal raphe nucleus of the midbrain of the rats serotonin agonists were in the following order: TEMPP (12.3%), kampirone (40%), 1.2-PP (42.9%), ipsapirone (52%), 8-OH-DPAT (54.1%), kampirone (57.2%) and buspirone (65.3%). It is suggested that the effect of both ipsapirone, kampirone and 8-OH-DPAT is greatly localized on the somato-dendritic synapses P1A-HT receptors, TEMPP is more on the terminal axons of HT-ergic neurones while kampirone, buspirone and active metabolite 1.2-PP act on the presynaptic and somatodendritic autoreceptors of serotonin.
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