Removal and transformation of benzotriazole in manganese-oxide biofilters with Mn(II) feeding

Abstract The aim of this study was to evaluate the treatment of organic-carbon-deficient wastewater containing benzotriazole (BTA) in lab-scale aerated biofilters filled with natural manganese oxide ore, sand coated with synthetic manganese oxides and sand (as a control material) in terms of BTA removal efficiency, its transformation products and ecotoxicological impact of the treated wastewater. Additionally, the effect of Mn(II) feeding was tested. The removal of BTA in all the biofilters was ≥97%. The contribution of the biotic removal of this compound was 15%, 50%, and 75% in the systems filled with sand, synthetic and natural manganese oxides, respectively. Only the columns filled with natural manganese oxides provided significant removal of DOC and decrease of UV 254 and SUVA 254 , with even more pronounced effect with Mn(II) feeding. The presence of Mn(II) was also found to enhance the removal of N NH 4 in the systems filled with either form of manganese oxides, otherwise the removal of N NH 4 was negligible or negative. The transformation reactions of BTA were methylation, hydroxylation, and triazole ring cleavage. Based on the number of compounds and their relative abundance, the methylated transformation products were predominant in the effluent. The reduction of the ecotoxicity (Microtox bioassay) of the effluents was positively correlated with the decrease of UV 254 , SUVA and DOC and only moderately with the removal of BTA. This study has shown that the natural manganese oxide ore provides the broadest set of services as a filtering material for aerated biofilters treating carbon-deficient wastewater containing BTA.
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