First multicenter experience with thermotherapy and mitomycin of high risk NMIBC with a new recirculation system (COMBAT).

425 Background: At a temperature of 43° (109°F) cytotoxicity of mitomycin increases 10 fold to tumor cells if used for instillation therapy of superficial bladder cancer (NMIBC).In the last years high organ preservation rates were reported for high risk NMIBC after radiofrequency induced hyperthermia and mitomycin (Synergo System).Unfortunately side effects were frequent and discontinuitation of 40% were reported with this method thus thermotherapy combined with instillation this therapy has not been very common.We here report about the first experience with a newly developed device using a recirculation heating system (COMBAT). Methods: After diagnosis by complete TUR/ReTUR patients received 40 mg mitomycin (mito-extra,medac) via transurethral catheter for 1 h heated up to constant 43° by a circulation pump system (COMBAT). Side effects were recorded pprospectively before and after each teratment and during follow up and success was validated by TUR/biopsy if possible. Results: A total of 20 patients wer...
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