Epileptic discharges induced by pentylenetetrazol: Ultrastructural alterations in identified neurons and glial cells (Helix pomatia)

The effects of sustained epileptic activity induced by pentylenetetrazol on morphology of buccal ganglia of Helix pomatia were investigated. Neuronal somata and processes as well as glial cells were evaluated after 5 hours of epileptic activity and after 5 hours under control conditions. After epileptic activity neurons showed signs of degeneration consisting of condensation of nuclear chromatin, decreased activity of Golgi apparatus, increased numbers of lamellar bodies and multivesicular bodies, clusters of vesicles and vacuoles, loss of microtubuli, and scattered lamellar bodies. Neuronal somata and large neuronal processes appeared less affected than the smaller processes. Glial cells showed signs of phagocytotic activity as increased cell size, numerous degenerating neuronal processes within the cytoplasm as well as lysosome like bodies and vacuoles. The changes developing along with epileptic activity were interpreted to indicate degeneration and subsequent phagocytotic activity of neuronal processes in synaptic regions of the ganglia. Thus, evidence is presented for synaptically induced degenerative processes in an intact nervous tissue that is not affected by seizure-induced alterations of respiration or systemic circulation.
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