Primi risultati sui monitoraggi dei ripopolamenti di anguilla europea (Anguilla anguilla) in provincia di Verona

In this paper are shown the results of the monitoring of the restocking with young eels in 5 spring waters located in Verona's plain. The monitoring was performed under a project co-financing by Veneto Region and European Fund (F.E.P.) aimed at the formation of the National Plan of Management (PNG) for eel in Italy, as required by EU Regulation No. 1100/2007. In every sampling site were performed 3 sampling by quantitative electrofishing: the first one before the restocking (November 2013) and the other two after it (December 2013 and May 2014). The data collected show an overall strong diminution of the number of restocked eels already after 5 months from it. Probably the majority of the restocked specimens have moved to other downstream areas of the rivers, with a greater suitability for the species while one other fraction has been unable to survive to wild life conditions since they were coming from fish farming.
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