Anlise fatorial confirmatria do Questionrio de Valores Psicossociais - QVP24

Abstract Confirmatory factorial analysis of the Psychosocial Values Questionnaire – QVP24. This study shows thatthe Psychosocial Values Questionnaire is an adequate instrument to measure value systems of universitystudents. The results of a Confirmatory Factor Analysis (N = 300) show the conceptual validity of thestructure and content that organizes students’ value systems: materialist, religious, hedonist and post-materialist. The results also confirm that these value systems are positively correlated. The discussionemphasizes the societal nature of the values systems and the validity of the Psychosocial Values Questionnaireto measure these systems. Keywords: values; values systems; psychosocial values survey conteudos dos sistemas de valores dos grupos sociais. Con-tudo, os estudos sobre a validade desse instrumento utilizamtecnicas estatisticas que nao permitem testar o modelo teori-co subjacente ao QVP , o que, em tese, poderia comprometer asua validade teorica. Portanto, este artigo apresenta uma in-vestigacao que testa empiricamente a adequacao do
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