SETimes.SR – A Reference Training Corpus of Serbian

With this year's conference we are celebrating the 20th anniversary since the first conference »Language technologies« which took place in 1998 in Cankarjev dom, Ljubljana and was organized by Tomaž Erjavec, Vojko Gorjanc, Jerneja Žganec Gros and Anica Rant. The topics of the first conference were the development and application of language technologies for Slovene and directions for the future. 26 papers were presented, dealing with speech technologies and phonology, computerassisted translation and teaching, corpora, encoding standards for language data and searching for information on the internet. Following the conference a round table discussion was held, the direct result of which was the establishment of the Slovenian language technologies society which has since been the main initiator and organizer of all the following editions of the conference. Together with the Centre of lagnuage resources and technologies of the University of Ljubljana (CJVT), Faculty of Electrical Engineering of the University in Ljubljana and research infrastructures CLARIN.SI and DARIAH-SI the Society is also organizing this year's conference, held on 20-21 September 2018 at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering. In its 11th installment and after a successful expansion of the conference programme to Digital Humanities in 2016, we have retained the focus on the integration of the two disciplines and at the same time aimed to position the conference as an important meeting hub for fellow researchers in the region. This year, 47 papers will be presented, including 2 talks by invited lecturers, 36 regular full papers and 5 abstracts, and 4 student papers. All the papers were reviewed by 3 reviewers. 21 papers weresubmitted in Slovene and 26 in English. The total number of all authors of the accepted papers is 92. Over half of the authors of the accepted papers are Slovene, 10% are from Croatia and the rest of the authors come from as many as 19 different countries. This is why the conference programme was designed in such a way that the first day is international, with the talks in English while talks on the second day will be held in Slovene. As opposed to the previous edition of the conference we have opted for a single track programme so that all the participants can attend all the talks, aiming to promote and foster closer collaboration among the researchers in language technologies and digital humanities. In addition, we have also introduced a poster session with 9 posters. The editors would like to thank everyone who has contributed to the success of this conference, especially the invited lecturers and the authors of the papers for co-creating an inspiring conference programme, the Programme Committee for their dedicated reviews, the Organizing Committee for all the organizational efforts, the ession Chairs for their smooth and efficient management of the conference programme, the Technical Editors for preparing the online proceedings and the loyal sponsors for their selfless support of our activities.
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