大学生网络成瘾类型的现状调查及其与学习倦怠的关系研究 An Investigation on the Status Quo of the Type of Internet Addiction and Its Relationship with Learning Burnout of University Students

本研究目的在于通过问卷法了解我国大学生网络成瘾类型的现状及探讨网络成瘾类型与学习倦怠之间的关系,为国内关于网络成瘾方面的研究提供参考。采用两阶段分层随机抽样的方法,在河南省随机抽取了7所高校的1202人进行问卷调查。调查问卷包括大学生网络成瘾类型问卷和大学生学习倦怠量表。结果显示:网络成瘾类型的比例在性别以及网龄上均存在显著差异;网络游戏成瘾的问卷、网络人际关系成瘾的问卷、网络信息成瘾的得分在性别﹑网龄﹑家庭来源上均存在上均存在显著差异;网络游戏成瘾与情绪低落、行为不当以及学习倦怠总分之间均存在显著的相关关系;网络信息成瘾与情绪低落之间存在显著的相关关系;在网络游戏成瘾、网络人际关系成瘾与网络信息成瘾三种成瘾类型上,相对于一般网络使用者,具有成瘾倾向的个体具有较显著的情绪低落﹑行为不当以及成就感低的倾向。结论:大学生中存在比例不同的网络游戏成瘾者、网络人际关系成瘾者、网络信息成瘾者;网络游戏成瘾的得分越高,学习倦怠的表现越明显;网络信息成瘾得分越高,情绪低落的表现越明显;网络游戏成瘾﹑网络人际关系成瘾和网络信息成瘾的倾向越明显,越容易产生学习倦怠。 The purpose of this study is to understand the present internet addiction situation of Chinese col-lege students through the questionnaire and to explore the relationship between the type of in-ternet addiction and learning burnout, and providing reference for domestic research on internet addiction. This study used the method of two-stage stratified random sampling. 1202 students from 7 colleges and universities in Henan Province were selected to fill the questionnaire. The questionnaire includes university student questionnaire of Internet addiction types and the learning burnout scale. Result: There were significant differences among the types of Internet ad-diction in the proportion of gender and age. The network game addiction, the network interper-sonal relationship addiction and the network information addiction questionnaire scores ques-tionnaire scores were significantly different in gender, age, family source. The network game ad-diction scores were significantly correlated with depression, misconduct and learning burnout scores. There was a significant correlation between network information addiction scores and depression scores. Compared to the general internet users, individuals with addiction tendency had more feeling of depression, misconduct and low sense of achievement. Conclusion: There is the different proportion of online game addicts, internet interpersonal relationship addicts, network information addicts of college students. The higher scores you get in the network information addiction scale, the more obvious manifestations of depression you have. The more obvious tendency to network game addiction, internet interpersonal relationship addiction, or network information addiction, the more prone to learning burnout you are.
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