A New Key Battleground For The Economy In The Electronic World

Remarkable technological developments are taking place all the time and will clearly continue to do so. This research underlines the very important role of computer science and communications industry, all the way from the past to present in economic development. Vitality of nowadays economy is due to computers (in most part) and the unprecedented expansion of communication. All these are coming with good and bad things. Because of this bigger dynamism, we can unmistakably talk about real freeways; our business world is moving with great speed on these freeways, here "accidents" are fewer but when they are happening they are terrible. Today we are in the middle of one of these financial accidents. While ideas for macroeconomic adjustment are put forth, this study is trying to complete the picture, to identify new solutions and ways of rebalancing the economy which can be supported also with the help of e-banking and e-commerce activities. The impact of information and communication technology in the economic field is huge and has generated new forms of performing typical activities in the new e-way: e-commerce, e-banking, and so on. The paper focuses on the impact of Internet, more generally, of ICT (information and communication technology) facilities, upon the economic activity and the opportunities that emerge from here.
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