Plan de negocio para la implementación de una empresa dedicada a brindar servicios de oficinas a emprendedores en el norte de Quito

This business plan is for a company, whose purpose is to provide office services to entrepreneurs in the north of the city of Quito, whose main objective is to provide a physical place for entrepreneurs who reside in the city to have an environment that Allow them to develop their ideas of business ventures. Through the creation of structured offices in a creative way, providing a wide variety of technological solutions, so that the client finds facilities when starting with his own business idea. Complementary services will be offered such as receiving and sending correspondence, personalized agenda, training and warehousing. The methodology used in the business plan was initially the analysis of the external sector using the PEST and Porter methodology to determine threats and opportunities in the industry. Quantitative and qualitative analysis of the client through interviews with experts, focus group and surveys; to determine tastes and preferences of the user and generate strategies to meet their needs. The differentiation and approach was determined as general marketing strategies; the price, place, promotion and the characteristics of the service were fixed. Additionally, the organizational structure of the company was determined. Finally, the financial analysis was carried out, project flows were projected and the financial viability of the business plan was analyzed.
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