A Study on Big Data Techniques and Applications

We are living in on-Demand Digital Universe with data spread by users and organizations at a very high rate. This data is categorized as Big Data because of its Variety, Velocity, Veracity and Volume. This data is again classified into unstructured, semi-structured and structured. Large datasets require special processing systems; it is a unique challenge for academicians and researchers. Map Reduce jobs use efficient data processing techniques which are applied in every phases of Map Reduce such as Mapping, Combining, Shuffling, Indexing, Grouping and Reducing. Big Data has essential characteristics as follows Variety, Volume and Velocity, Viscosity, Virality. Big Data is one of the current and future research frontiers. In many areas Big Data is changed such as public administration, scientific research, business, The Financial Services Industry, Automotive Industry, Supply Chain, Logistics, and Industrial Engineering, Retail, Entertainment, etc. Other Big Data applications are exist in atmospheric science, astronomy, medicine, biologic, biogeochemistry, genomics and interdisciplinary and complex researches.  This paper is presents the Essential Characteristics of Big Data Applications and State of-the-art tools and techniques to handle data-intensive applications and also building index for web pages available online and see how Map and Reduce functions can be executed by considering input as a set of documents.
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