Erratum to “Cerebral lateralization and early speech acquisition: A developmental scenario” [Dev. Cogn. Neurosci. 1 (2011) 217–232]

able 1 elected studies illustrating the different conceptions of signal-driven biases. All measures have been converted to durations in milliseconds.a Stimuli Study Left H Bias Right H Bias Non-speech Fast tone/formant changes Slow tone/formant changes Belin et al. (1998) Fixed duration 40 ms Fixed duration 200 ms Temporal complexity Spectral complexity Schonwiesner et al. (2005) Variable duration 5–20 ms Fixed duration 33 ms Zatorre and Belin (2001) Variable duration 21–667 ms Fixed duration 667 ms Small integration window Large integration window Poeppel (2003) Window duration 20–40 ms Window duration 150–250 ms None Gamma band spontaneous oscillation Theta band spontaneous oscillation Giraud et al. (2007) Oscillation period 25–36 ms Oscillation period 167–333 ms Speech Temporal coding of phonemes or words Tonal pitch and prosody Shankweiler and Studdert-Kennedy (1967); Haggard and Parkinson (1971); Ley and Bryden (1982); Zatorre et al. (1992); Furuya and Mori (2003) Phoneme durationa 80 ms Tone eventc 80 ms
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