Grey-faced petrel (Pterodroma gouldi) productivity unaffected by kiore (Pacific rats, Rattus exulans) on a New Zealand offshore island.

Burrow-nesting seabird populations are vulnerable to predation by introduced rats, because of their nesting habits and slow life histories. We investigated whether control of kiore (Pacific rats, Rattus exulans) by removal trapping, and during an unsuccessful community-led island-wide eradication attempt, had any effects on nest survival of grey-faced petrels (Pterodroma gouldi) on Ririwha (Stephenson Island), northeastern New Zealand. We compared nest survival between two plots at which rats were trapped and six un-trapped plots in 2010, as well as at all plots during and after the poisoning programme in 2011–2012. Neither mean rates of breeding burrow occupancy nor nest survival differed between trapped and un-trapped plots in 2010. We found no significant differences between years or between plots throughout the poisoning programme. Extrapolation of daily nest survival rates to the full 172-day combined egg and chick period gave an estimate of mean annual productivity for all plots combined of 0.285 (9...
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