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Is Einstein Right

THE course of the past summer Professor Einstein issued a statement designed to shock the public out of its complacency. He was evidently deeply concerned, for he followed it shortly thereafter by an interview which he gave to the New York Times. Everyone who knows Professor Einstein realizes that he has all his life been unwilling to step out of his role as scientist, to make any statements on public questions. His work has done more than that of any other man to direct the thinking of our time into those channels which have finally resulted in the creation of the atomic bomb. He had accepted the chairmanship of the Emergency Committee of Atomic Scientists and had done this, not in order to stimulate further research along scientific lines, but to startle you and me into a sense of our new responsibility. Our victory in World War II, he tells us, is portentous, for it was achieved at the cost of a revolution. The nature of this revolution must be
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