Report on Norplant implants in Indonesia.

The Indonesian National Family Planning Coordinating Board (BKKBN) asked the Population Council to pull together a consultant team to review issues of service delivery of Norplant in Indonesia and to recommend certain areas for new initiatives improvements and further research. The team made field visits to West Java and Yogyakarta and spoke with many family planning officials and observers during April 17-28 1995. It learned that previous research and consultant reports have already presented most issues centering on Norplant implant removal. BKKBN and other groups have already discussed these issues in detail. The team recommended strongly that one should immediately take action on past recommendations and current plans. It called for simultaneous action on what it identified as the top priorities: meeting the current need for removals through existing and planned management systems; freeing up resources for an implant removal plan of action at all levels; evaluating and monitoring removal efforts and effect; and conducting a national Norplant assessment study. The team made specific recommendations for BKKBNs Link and Match system; mobilizing resources for implant removal at the management provider and client levels; monitoring and evaluating the Norplant removal program; administrative cost and private sector issues; biomedical issues; and potential research topics.
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