MPEG Traffic Generation Matching Intra- and Inter-GoP Correlation:

VBR-compressed video traffic is expected to consti tute the majority of the B-ISDN network load in the immediate future. At the moment, the MPEG coding scheme is widely used for many types of ap plications. On account of the high burstiness and periodicity of the traffic generated by an MPEG en coder, it is crucial to obtain a model for the genera tion of sequences with the same statistical charac teristics of real MPEG traces. In this paper, after demonstrating that intra-GOP correlation, that is, the correlation between frames belonging to the same GoP', has to be taken into account, an accu rate model allowing the generation of an MPEG like trace is proposed. Moreover, as the MPEG traf fic has been demonstrated to be self-similar, that is, it presents a long-range dependence (LRD), the proposed algorithm applies a method based on the Fast Fourier Transform in order to generate self- similar traces. This algorithm allows generation of a trace, imposing the short-range dependence and LRD behavior and the...
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