Felekezetiség és múltteremtés. = Denominations and the Creation of their Past. Unknown and/or Unpublished Texts from the Prehistory of Transylvanian historia litteraria

A program kiindulopontjat az a felismeres jelentette, hogy a 17-18. szazadi magyar művelődestortenetevel foglalkozo szakemberek nem tettek szervezett erőfesziteseket az 1990-ben szamukra is megnyilt erdelyi gyűjtemenyek keziratos forrasainak feltarasara. A munkakozosseg tagjai arra vallalkoztak, hogy legalabb megkezdjek e hiany potlasat. Rendszeressegre torekvő feltaro munkat kezdemenyeztek tehat olyan jeles gyűjtemenyekben, mint a kolozsvari akademiai konyvtar (ez tartalmazza jelenleg a nagy erdelyi felekezetek iskolai konyvtarainak dokumentumait), a marosvasarhelyi Teleki Teka, a gyulafehervari Batthyaneum es a szebeni Allami Leveltar. A csoport, ahol ez lehetsegesse valt, az internet segitsegevel is hozzaferhetőve teszi e feltaro munka eredmenyeit, mas esetekben a hagyomanyos formakat alkalmazva tajekoztatja a hazai szakembergardat a forrasfeltaras elvegzett munkajarol. Masfelől nemzetkozi konferenciakon tartott előadasokkal es nemzetkozi konyvsorozatokban valo szereplessel is igyekszik bemutatni a nagy erdelyi nepcsoportok es felekezetek vetelkedesenek egy pozitiv oldalat: a vitakban fontos szerepet kapott az egyes kozossegek kulturalis teljesitmenye, s igy szuksegesse valt annak szambavetele is, hogy a legszelesebb ertelemben vett historia litteraria teruleten milyen produkciot tudnak felmutatni. | Our program started out from the realisation that experts of 17th-18th Hungarian cultural history had made no organised attempt at processing the Transylvanian manuscript sources which became available for us in 1990. Participants of our project intended to make at least the first steps in eliminating this absence. Therefore they initiated exploratory work with a systematising purpose in such significant collections as the Library of the Academy of Kolozsvar (which currently holds the documents from the great Transylvanian denominations' school libraries), the Teleki Teka in Marosvasarhely, the Batthyaneum in Gyulafehervar and the National Archives in Szeben. Where possible, results of the group were also published through the Internet, while in other instances conventional forms of communication were employed in order to inform Hungarian professionals about the achievements arising from the recovery of the sources. On the other hand, lectures at international conferences and articles published in international collections were utilised to demonstrate a positive facet of the competition among the great Transylvanian ethnicities and confessions: cultural performance played a key role in the debates, and it was inevitable to make an account of the products in the area of historia litteraria in its broadest sense.
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