Cyberbullying: preocupação dos professores e envolvimento da escola

EnglishInitially restricted to school walls, violence between students went on to also show online and through social networks, establishing the cyberbullying expression. From this perspective, there is a consensus in the literature, that it is up to the school to stand and commit to inhibit these practices and encourage peaceful coexistence among students, in and out of school. Despite the relevance of the issue, the issue of cyberbullying is still little studied empirically. It is observed a lack of information regarding the actors that can act as agents for the prevention and control of this kind of violence, teachers. This study aims to analyze the influence of concern of teachers and a school involvement in cyberbullying practices. For this, a survey was conducted among 112 elementary and high school teachers from public and private schools in the city of Blumenau – SC. Data were analyzed using exploratory factor analysis and structural equation. The results indicated that teachers demonstrate greater concern when they realize that the cyberbullying problem is real and affects students. As for the involvement of school, there was the need to establish partnerships between educational institutions and the community promote meetings alluding to the subject in schools and provide advice to young people within the school environment. Finally, it was observed that the concern of teachers with cyberbullying practices influences their belief that school involvement is important, raising the need for more proactive stances to fight this curse. portuguesInicialmente restrita aos muros escolares, a violencia entre alunos passou a se manifestar tambem de forma online, por meio de redes sociais, estabelecendo a palavrao cyberbullying. Sob essta perspectiva, ha um consenso, na literatura da area, de que cabe a escola se posicionar e assumir o compromisso de inibir tais praticas e estimular o convivio pacifico entre os alunos, dentro e fora da escola. Apesar da relevância da questao, a tematica cyberbullying ainda e pouco estudada de forma empirica. Observa-se uma lacuna de informacoes no que se refere aos atores que podem atuar como agentes de prevencao e controle desse tipo de violencia: os professores. Este estudo tem como objetivo analisar a influencia da preocupacao dos professores no envolvimento da escola ante as praticas de cyberbullying. Para isso, foi realizada uma pesquisa com 112 professores de Ensino Fundamental e Medio de escolas publicas e privadas do Municipio de Blumenau – SC. Os dados foram analisados por meio de analise fatorial exploratoria e equacoes estruturais. Os resultados indicaram que os professores demonstram maior preocupacao quando percebem que o problema cyberbullying e real e afeta os alunos. Quanto ao envolvimento da escola, verificou-se a necessidade de se estabelecerem parcerias entre instituicoes de ensino e comunidade, promover assembleias alusivas ao tema nas escolas e dar aconselhamento aos jovens no proprio ambiente escolar. Por fim, se observou que a preocupacao dos professores com praticas de cyberbullying influencia na sua crenca de que o envolvimento da escola e importante, despertando a necessidade de posturas mais proativas para o combate a esse maleficio
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