A Look at Planning and Evaluation Linkages across the Nation.

The purpose of a research project was to identify approaches for improving the use of evaluation data through better linking of state-level evaluation and planning. The first phase included a review of literature in education and related disciplines and a national survey to elicit information from 55 states and territories concerning evaluation and planning linkages; 43 states responded. Although no single organizational structure category of the 12 organizational structures identified appeared best to accommodate planning and evaluation linkages, a model with separate boards for secondary and postsecondary education and with formal planning procedures or committees represented a deliberate effort to make planning and evaluation a more visible and coordinated process. The second phase involved determination of suggested strategies for improving planning and evaluation linkages. Findings were used to develop interview procedures for case studies in the third phase in a western, midwestern, and eastern state. Focuses were on ways in which planning and evaluation were mutually supportive and factors that encouraged and impeded linking of planning and evaluation. The research identified nine interrelated and mutually important factors as incentives for linking planning and evaluation. Planning's impact on evaluation came primarily through formal assurances or guidelines. Evaluation had its impact on planning in program improvement, staff development, and compliance with federal regulations. (YLB) **************** ***** ******************* ******************************* * Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made * * from the original document. * ******************************* ***** *********************************** VA DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Office of Eclucaftonaf Roassirtt end imorovmortt ED T1ONA.t. RESOURCES INFOMAATION CENTER (ERIC) Nm doCument hal DWI teetOduced as Wonted trom the 011r1S0o Of OrgartalOon Ofriptiof Mg .1 n 'Amor &wigs* Aare bawl made to 'mix ove rePtOcluCtron quality Points of vete of 004nfOnS Stated m thee decoment do not necesse ray moresen t ohtceil OER poattion of colicy A LOOK AT PLANNING AND EVALUATION LINKAGES ACROSS THE NATION Donald E. Elson Deborah C. Strickland J. Dale Oliver Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
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