The application of a periarterial synthetic tube results in the formation of rhythmic structures in the intima

: Structure of rabbit carotid artery and aorta after their wrapping with synthetic tube was investigated using light and scanning electron microscopy. Periarterial manipulations lead to the development of myointimal thickening covered with endothelium. Surface of the thickening consisted of rhythmically intermitted elevations and pits situated across the long axis of the vessel. Polymorphism of the covering endothelium was observed. Non-random pattern of the subendothelial smooth muscle cells location (connected with hemodynamic changes) was the main cause of formation of rhythmic structures. Structure of intimal thickening in rabbit arteries is similar to that of human aortic intima at early stages of atherogenesis (before lipid accumulation). This model may be used for studying the mechanisms of atherogenesis as well as for pharmacological investigations.
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