El Paleolítico superior en el interior de la Península Ibérica. Revisión crítica y perspectivas de futuro The Upper Palaeolithic of the Iberian interior: a critical review and research perspectives

The present work is a critical review of the Upper Palaeolithic of the Iberian Meseta in light of findings made in recent years, including a synthesis of the evidence regarding the area’s settlement and its chrono logy. A detailed interpretation of the Segovian site of Pena de Estebanvela is provided. The richness of its archaeological record, its ample chronostratigraphic sequences and the multidisciplinary approach to its study have made Pena de Estebanvela a reference for research into the Magdalenian of the Meseta. This work also provides a brief review of the sites of the Iberian interior where rock art is found.
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