The Prompt Fission Neutron Spectrum of 235U(n,f) below 2.5 MeV for Incident Neutrons from 0.7 to 20 MeV

Abstract New prompt fission neutron spectrum measurements are reported for 235 U( n , f ) reactions induced by neutrons with energies from 0.7 to 20 MeV. These measurements cover outgoing neutron energies from 2.5 MeV down to 10 keV, using an array of 6 Li-glass scintillators for neutron detection and a double time-of-flight technique. The neutrons were produced at the Weapons Neutron Research facility of the Los Alamos Neutron Science Center. A detailed MCNP ® model of the experimental equipment and the surrounding room was used to interpret the experimental results. Backgrounds were measured in situ , making use of the time-dependent singles rates of the various detectors with asynchronous readout from waveform digitizers. The results presented here have been included in a re-evaluation of the fission neutron spectra for this fissioning system, a description of which is presented elsewhere in this issue.
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